Monday, April 19, 2010

I was counted!!

For those of you who don't know, the US is conducting is census this year. Like India, the US also does its census every 10 years, and 2010 is one of that decade. 

So here's the funny part. I just filled out my census! O.o Apparently, EVERYONE is counted, even legal aliens like me. But, in the form, there was no option for me to state that I am not a citizen of the United States. I don't know what that means, but I think I might have just been counted twice in the population of the world (since India did its last census in 2001 and I was counted there. 

Another irony - I'm going to be in India in 2011 when India does her census again. I will be counted there too, and legitimately, because I will be an Indian citizen living in India at that time. I think I just burst my brain trying to think too much about alla this immigration stuff!

Talking about immigration, let me tell you how awful this whole system is here in the US. I can't work off-campus for payment at all. If I have to work off-campus, I have to do it for academic credit. But guess what? American University requires all its students to PAY for receiving academic credit!! I mean, WTF, AU? Why would I want to pay to work? Not only am I not getting any stipend for doing an internship, I have to pay the university an exorbitant amount just so it goes on my record! Money making machines, I tell you!

Let me not get started on their credit-hour policies, 'cause that is a rant of its own!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

South Park Takes on Facebook

American animated sitcom South Park took on Facebook a few days ago. With parodies, it explained how ridiculous Facebook, and its users, have become.

I blogged about Facebook a few months ago talking about how Facebook actually makes you unsocial. My view hasn't changed a bit since then. I still come across Facebook "friends" in real life having no idea that they know me. I am guilty of that sin as well. Having more than 1000 friends can make you like that. :D

So, a good blog put in a collection of South Park clips on Facebook. They are really good...check 'em out here

Oh, and South Park also took on Chatroulette. Here's the clip for that. Hilarious and relevant.



I also don't wanna see dudes jacking off on CR. That's probably why I don't go there at all! :D

Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm Coming Home for the Summer...

You heard it right folks. It has finally been confirmed that I will, indeed, be going back to India for the summer. Right now, I am trying to look for an internship in Chandigarh. I will also be taking an online class with AU over the summer. Intro to Int'l Relations Research. It is a requirement and I do not want to waste my time taking such a class during my regular semesters.
As far as internships go, I have got in touch with AISEC Chandigarh and it looks like they might have something for me. Hopefully, I'd be able to get a job AND get academic credit for it. Too much hope, but a boy can dream, can't he?
On other fronts, I have a lot to blog about. Starting from Facebook's new policies, to AU's credit-hour policies, to AU's proposed changes to the Student Handbook, to various other news pieces around the world. If only I can find the time to write about alla this. hahaha

Exams are gonna start in two weeks and the end-of-semester craziness is in full swing. So, I think I should stop procrastinating and get back to studying.


Friday, April 2, 2010

The Bitch is Back!!

After a lot of thought and debate on whether I should do it or not, I have decided to bring back my blog and resume posting. So, stay tuned for the sassy, bitchy, and sarcastic rendition of all that is happening around the world, in my life, and at AU! Let the shit-show begin! -Bikram