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The Delhi High Court, in a landmark judgement on Wednesday, read down the Victorian era barbaric law that criminalized homosexual acts between consenting individuals.
Ever since this news came out, there has been a deluge of opinion on all forms of media - print, electronic, etc. Why should I remain behind? I will talk about my opinion, and those of some that I have been (un)fortunate enough to come across.
Let's start with my views. People who are close to me would know that I welcomed this news with a BIG smile and a sense of immense satisfaction. It was a long time in coming and I, for one, am glad that it came. Just the night before, on Tuesday, a cousin, two of our friends and myself were sitting together and discussing this issue and I made a statement that it will take quite some time for 377 to be changed or better yet, repealed. Imagine my surprise when I woke up the next morning and read about it on the internet.
It is not a hidden fact that I am sympathetic to the gay community. I have had a close interaction with them, what with doing a research project on the issue a few years back. In the process, I met some members of the community and let me tell you, it was a truly heart-rendering experience. The way they have to live - constantly in fear...of being outted, of being blackmailed, of being encountered with bigotry - it just hits your heart.
I was literally moved to tears, along with the person whom I was interviewing, when he recounted the humiliation he had to endure at the hands of the police just to ensure that his family didn't find out about his sexuality and also to keep himself out of jail. It was horrifying to learn of the incidents that occur in the close confines of the four walls that make the police chowkis.
And yet, I encounter such hatred, indifference and ignorance towards the homosexuals. Let's take some of them....
1. It is western...
People, get your fact correct and then come back and rant. The only thing western in this country related to homosexuals is Section 377 of the IPC which was introduced by the British!
2. It was never a part of the Indian culture....
Beep. Wrong answer. If you take the time to read ancient texts, you'll find mention of the LGBTs all around. Even murals and paintings have depictions of them.
3. It is unnatural....
First of all, who are we to define what is natural or not. Did dear Mummy Nature come into each and every one of our ears and whisper that she doesn't like Jack and Joe or Jill and Jenny having sex? Next, if homosexuality is prevalent in other species of animals, are we humans so naive to think that we will not have a few of them?
4. It is against the Will of God...
Read above reply....Also, these so-called Wills were written by man himself....God never graced us with His presence to enlighten us of His sexual preference, or what He likes to watch sitting up there. (P.S. I am not an atheist. I am just pissed at the self-proclaimed messengers of God)
5. They are perverts, paedophiles....
Excuse me? This is like branding all Muslims terrorists just because some of them blow themselves up. Please, rise up stereotyping.
6. If it is legalaized, more and more people will chose to be gay and the human race will come to an end....
I am not kidding! I actually read this freakin' comment on Yahoo! when it asked for responses. As if the first part is not outrageous enough, the person has the stupidity to go on and predict the doom of mankind...makes me laugh.
So, it is NOT a choice. I repeat, being a homosexual is not a choice. One can't help who he/she is attracted to. Yes, acting upon that attraction is a choice. But please, who wants to live as a hermit? Moreover, who in their right mind would CHOOSE to be gay when half the population is out for your blood?
7. I see a couple coming in my direction, I will run...I don't want to be hit upon.
Seriously, dude...get a life. First of all, no self-respecting homosexual will hit on you, hot or not. Also, as you said, they are a COUPLE. Why would they even give you a second look.
All this is just the top-soil. I haven't even reached the crust, let alone the mantle. Seriously, as I said to a friend of a friend on Facebook - 'It is very easy to sit in our air-conditioned rooms and pass judgement on people you have, or will, never me(e)t. Put yourselves in their shoes and then you'll realize what they have to go through.'
My funda is simple. Live and let live. Homosexuals have the right to live as they want. They have the right to privacy in their own bedrooms and now they have got it, it should be no one's concern what they do, or not do, in their own bed.
Yeah, if they try and force you into it, do what I would do - sock them in the balls. Till then, keep shut and just let them enjoy their lives. After all, don't we enjoy ours......*whistles at the next hot girl who passes by*
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