Thursday, October 15, 2009


So, what does one do at 4am in the morning while one is studying AND working the front desk of a residence hall? Write a blog post, is all! ;-)
Well, what do I write about - that is a question I always ask when I open my browser to my blog-site. Do I write about the nuances of college life, or do I delve into the misdeeds that us collegiates get into? Do I write about the way Americans have corrupted almost every definition in history (take Liberals, for example), or do I write about the eccentric sense of humor they have?
Well, I could write about almost anything, but seeing as I am in a ranting, bitching mood right now and want to take a dig at someone, or something, I am going to do just that.
Hmmmm....Let's see. There are so many topics to choose from - Obama's Nobel prize, AU's pathetic dining services, the shitty weather - to name a few.
Wait! I have one just in mind! So, here goes -
Background Information - I work as a Front Desk Receptionist (DR) for the Tenley Campus. Desk Coordinators (DC) are also a part of this wonderful workforce.
When I woke up this morning and checked my e-mail, I was greeted with this wonderful message -
Good Morning Desk Staff!

... and happy DR/DC Recognition Day! It is the National Residence Hall Honorary's STARS Recognition Week and today is our day to thank YOU for being a RESIDENCE HALL ROCKSTAR! We know that it can be difficult and stressful at times, but we want to make sure that you know how much we value you and your service. Thank you for everything that you do. Be sure to stop by the desk where you work to pick up a special treat today!
On behalf of the National Residence Hall Honorary and the entire Housing & Dining Programs (HDP) Staff

Naturally when I saw this e-mail, I, in my typical flashy (read: flamboyant) manner, went - Awwwww....Thanks, HDP, you didn't have to do that!
I am sure you'd have noticed that I underlined a part of the last sentence in the quote. It is done for a reason. See, when someone tells you that you have a special treat waiting for you at some place, and it is free, you will definitely go there to collect it. Tenley Campus is not that far from Main Campus, but it is far enough on a day that is near-freezing AND raining.
So, I take great pains to bundle up in the warmest clothes possible, stand in the rain to wait for the shuttle (which is a rant in itself), and reach Tenley; to find that, to my consternation and in usual Tenley style, there is NOTHING waiting for me.
Way to go, Tenley. You have done it again and showed us DRs and DCs that, while every other Hall appreciates the effort its DR/DC staff puts in, you do not! Do you even know how frustrating it is to find those nice, attractive mugs and the much-needed Perch gift-coupons at display behind other Front Desks for their DRs/DCs and not behind ours?
I think seeing that broke my heart. /Insert pouting face/ I know I love my Tenley-ians and I put in a lot of effort too, as do my colleagues. To see our effort not being appreciated IS. NOT. NICE.
Something needs to be done for this outrageousness. Might I suggest that, in revolt, we "crash" the packaging system till we are felicitated with the promised goodies?
Anyone? Anyone?
Drats! Everyone needs their packages, and even I am not that cruel to deprive our "nice" residents of the pleasure they receive from coming up to the front desk and asking, in accents from all over the globe, "I think I have a package."
/Start Naughty thoughts/ You're damn right you do!! /End Naughty thoughts/
/Insert devilish grin/

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